Hunger Games Simulation Videos

Hunger Games Simulator [CARTOON NETWORK EDITION]

The Cartoon Network theme is here! I made a Nickelodeon one a while ago, and I’ve now finally got around to making a theme of their competitor. I hope you guys enjoy the video, make sure to comment below who YOU want to see win the hunger games. I also have a playlist on my channel of all my past hunger games simulator videos if you wanna check it out

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I Ran A Genshin Impact Hunger Games Simulator

Get 20% off of GHOST here:

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Hunger Games Simulator [DISNEY EDITION]

I’m back with another video, this time the hunger games theme is Disney! Disney is such an iconic company, I’m not sure how it’s taken me this long to make this simulation. I added only the base Disney characters, as I’ve already had a Pixar hunger games, a Star Wars hunger games, a superhero hunger games, etc. Let me know if u wanna see a sequel to this video, and what other Disney characters you’d wanna see in it. But I hope you enjoy this video, make sure to comment who YOU want to see win the hunger games. Also if you enjoy the video and want to see more, make sure to subscribe. You could also join my discord server and click the red square to be notified whenever I upload / discord I also have a playlist of all my hunger games videos if you’re curious and wanna check my other ones out β€’ Hunger Games Simulator

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Hunger Games Simulator [FORTNITE EDITION]

This is a fortnite themed simulator of hunger games

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There is CHAOS in this Hunger Games Simulator Challenge!

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We Played The INSANE Hunger Games Simulator

We threw a bunch of video game, movie and meme characters into the Hunger Games. The end results are pure insanity.

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The MIGHTY Hunger Games Simulator

For those who are unaware (abit doubtful) There’s a website called Brantsteele where it features simulation softwares which allows other uses to create their own version of shows like Total Drama Island, Survivor and ofc Hunger Games. You can probably how these types of videos turns out. If you enjoyed this video than consider subscribing to see other types of content I put out such as Hunger Games.

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Hunger Games Simulator [MOBILE GAMES EDITION]

In this video, a bunch of characters from popular mobile phone games battle in the the hunger games. Known characters from Angry Birds, Subway Surfers, Talking Tom, and more appear in this video. Let me know if you guys do enjoy this video, and comment below who you think is gonna win. Also comment suggestions for other hunger games simulator videos I could make.

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This video contains more course language than usual and may be considered unsuitable for younger audiences. This video is only intended for mature audiences. Viewer descretion is advised. Shoutout to Nick's Game Room for inspiring me to make this video.

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